Spring Air Conditioning Tune-Up

Spring is almost here, which means summer isn’t far behind. Soon Sacramento air conditioners will be humming 24/7 across the region to keep us comfortable in the heat, and if yours isn’t ready to go, now’s the time to schedule your preseason air conditioner tune-up. HVAC experts, the U.S. Department of Energy and system manufacturers all recommend a yearly comprehensive inspection and tune-up for several reasons:

It increases the efficiency of your air conditioner.
Efficiency means your air conditioner will use less energy to keep you cool, lowering your carbon footprint.
Lower energy consumption results in lower energy bills for your home.
A tune-up helps prevent common and costly air conditioner problems during the hottest part of the summer, when your system is working its hardest.
Annual preventive maintenance is the number one factor in extending the operating life of your air conditioner and preventing the premature failure of individual essential components.

Always schedule for spring

We highly recommend you schedule your HVAC tune-up in the spring. You’ll avoid a major breakdown during the summer, when the temperature is at its peak. Like any other complicated machine, routine maintenance will keep your system running more efficient for longer.

Once the weather in Ohio really starts to heat up and its time to turn on your AC, you’d better be sure your unit is working well or you’ll be left to sweat it out. Having an annual tune-up performed on your air conditioner can aid in finding small problems before they become larger ones, and can extend the life of your unit. AC checkups can also extend the life of your home’s system by several years, as well as save you up to 15% a month on your energy bills. The time to schedule your annual tune-up is now.

What exactly is an air conditioning tune-up? ... Most common AC tune-ups will include condenser coil cleaning, calibrating the thermostat, inspecting your refrigerant levels and observing for leaks, examining and tightening all electrical parts, and analyzing the operation of the blower belt and motor.

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