Time – your most expensive cost of
car maintenance.
Not the mechanic's time, but YOURS.
Have you factored this in when you consider getting something as
simple as an oil change? I hadn't until recently. I have been
reluctant to buy everything online, because I LIKE to support local
businesses. I think it is good for the local economy, provides jobs,
contributes to local taxes, etc. However, there are things which are
local AND convenient. What a concept!
Local grocery stores now have delivery
or drive-up services. I haven't tried that yet, but I have a
home-bound friend who has, and it makes a world of difference to
her. I have ordered printer ink and a few other commodities online,
reluctantly, but price and time and hassle weighed into my equation
of 'cost'.
So what about car maintenance services?
A friend had a service come to her for an oil
change, right at her home, which is also her work site. No
hassle, no lost time from work, and reasonable price. The company
also offered to replace
her tires at her Sacramento home
It makes a big difference to me to
support a local Sacramento business, particularly an independent
local company. This business owner has kids in Sacramento area
schools, supports local churches and charities, votes locally, pays
taxes locally. Yup. I am a localvore. Why not?!
This is my home and I want it to
thrive. My clients are mostly from here, and while I may transmit my
work online, we still have coffee together and have face-to-face
meetings. That kind of contact builds trust and confidence. I really
don't have heart for people in some other country that advertise
shoes and fashions just because a searched for a show store! When I
search for Sacramento
Tire Shops, I am so glad that there are service providers here.